使用有效的shsh2 blob下载ios 10.3



The progress of TinyUmbrella, the tool that will eventually allow for local iOS restores as it did back in its heyday, has been very promising over the past month or so.In the latest update, its developer has added the ability to fetch SHSH from A7 and A8 devices, meaning that if you’re running, say, iOS 8.1.2, it will fetch the SHSH blobs despite the fact that Apple is no longer signing March 3, 2020 Hey guys! are you mad because your device updated automatically and you dont like the latest version because you may find it buggy, battery draining and many other issues like this. So, In this guide i have shown you how to downgrade or update to an unsigned version of iOS using shsh blobs. So if you want to restore or downgrade your iPhone 3 back to iOS 6.1.3, it is possible to do so using the iOS 6.1.3 SHSH blobs. Please note that iFaith is only available for Windows. iFaith works with the Apple TV 2, iPad 1, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3, and iPod Touch 4G running iOS 3.1 – iOS 6.1.3. To save SHSH blobs: 31/3/2017

使用有效的shsh2 blob下载ios 10.3

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29/12/2016 ASUS WinFlash 3.2.10. Check the BIOS files you load before starting the flash task using this BIOS Flash Utility for ASUS motherboards. 60 / 6,610. User Rating. 5.0/5. 1 users. rated this. View all screenshots (1) Featured Apps. Mem Reduct 3.3.5 Keep track of your computer’s memory status in real time with this handy and convenient tool In today's video, we're discussing how you can save the #SHSH2 blobs for iOS 13.3 using TSSSaver by 1Conan, and why you should save those if you wanna perform an #untethered #downgrade in the future. iOS 13.3 is a pretty good version to save blobs for, considering that Sparkey has already got a tfp0 kernel exploit that works even for A13 on it. Обновление iOS 11.3 вышло официально, а значит вскоре будет закрыта подпись прошивки iOS 11.2.6. Обычно это не стало бы волновать пользователей с джейлбрейком, у которых установлена более старая версия системы, но этот раз Mais au passage avant de faire son downgrade il a sauvé ses blobs iOS 14.3 ..MDR La personne qui a fait ça est vraiment chanceux, l’irais jusqu’à dire un gagnant euro million. Pour résumé je suis sous iOS 13.5 en jb Mais impossible de monter sur un jb iOS 14.3 car plus signé et biensure je n’ai pas mes blob iOS 14.3 Downgrade ios 13.5.1 To Unsigned Version 13.5 Checkra1n ----- Unc0verNeed same files 1-signed latest firmware 13.5.1(1)Extract ipsw copy same file in to Dow 22/5/2013

如何在iOS 12/11更新之前保存SHSH2 Blob以用於未來的降級

10.3.3. iOS 10.3.3 was released on July 19, 2017, with new wallpapers for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro, along with bug fixes and security improvements, including a fix for a Wi-Fi vulnerability, infamously known as Broadpwn, in which devices searching for signal were open to hackers ; Download Cydia iOS 10.3.3 for iPhone, iPad & iPod. The best part of the method is that it will save the .shsh2 blobs automatically for you for any new iOS version Apple may release in the future, so you don’t have to go through the hassle of saving it manually every time Apple releases an update. 11/5/2017 29/12/2016

使用有效的shsh2 blob下载ios 10.3

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使用有效的shsh2 blob下载ios 10.3

最后按照 备份 SHSH2 的教程手动指定 Apnonce 就能备份出固定 G 值的 SHSH2。 後,也就可以使用 futurerestore 自由升級至被關閉的iOS 12~12.1.3 版本(如果 SEP都 iOS 9 Downgrade For 32-Bit With FutureRestore and SHSH Blobs (No for iOS 10 to iOS 10.3.3 devices. totally-not.spyware. 如果已保存shsh2 blob,则使用iRestore将设备还原到未签名(或已签名)的固件 。 如果您没有shsh2,请不要尝试此操作。 要使用,请从QQ群文件下载iRestore. exe。 iOS 9.2-10.2(10.3b1)上的iPhone 5s,iPad Air,iPad mini 2(带有A7 芯片 需要注意的是,这种方法仅对部分的设备有效,且日后也不会更新更多设备 。 如果你习惯使用iOS 10,那么为iOS /10.3.3/10.3.2/10.3.1保存SHSH2 这就是如何为iOS 12/11 / 10.3.3 / 10.3.2保存/下载SHSH blob,现在您  前陣子越獄界颳起iOS 保存SHSH2認證旋風,保存是為了能夠讓後續 這次就要來告訴大家免下載iPSW,直接透過網頁輸入後,由網頁自動幫 網站備份shsh2並不是100%能使用,建議另外也用「shsh host」和「電腦版本」離線備份一次。 tsschecker教學: 替Face ID 設備保存備份有效SHSH2 (Blob) 技巧 

1 什么是FMDB FMDB是iOS平台的SQLite数据库框架 FMDB以OC的方式封装了SQLite的C语言API FMDB的优点 使用起来更加面向对象,省去了很多麻烦、冗余的C语言代码 对比苹果自带的Core Data框架,更加轻量级和灵活 提供了多线程安全的数据库操作方法,有效地防止数据混乱 FMDB

iOS 越狱开发者tihmstar日前宣布他将发布一款新的工具Prometheus,并且在YouTube上 下载tsschecker 之后,按照提示来保存blobs。 想要在未越狱的设备上使用Prometheus,首先必须有已经保存的.shsh2 blobs。 后者是不完美越狱,而在降级的过程中需要重启设备,所以目前还不确定是否会有效。 为iOS保存SHSH2 blob并不是一个复杂的过程,每位越狱爱好者都应进行 下载Flash插件 首先需要下载并安装iOS 10.3 beta 1,然后再借助futurerestore 降级到iOS 10.2。 在Reddit 上 用iOS 10.2 .shsh2 blobs,保存有正确的“碰撞”nonces. -你可以  Prometheus有两种使用方法,其中一个方法是配合使用nonceenabler 这种方式更可靠且快捷,但是需要设备越狱,且需要使用生成器备份.shsh2 blobs文件。 方式保存,需要注意的是,这种方法仅对部分的设备有效,且日后也不会更新更多设备。 苹果发布iOS 10.2第六个测试版的详细介绍 · 如何下载ios10.2 beta6固件? tsschecker教学: 替Face ID 设备保存备份有效SHSH2 (Blob) 技巧. 过去tsschecker 是无法支援Face ID 机种使用,直到最近有位开发者s0uthwest 保存下来的SHSH2档案,请託善保存好,如果不小心遗失,后续iOS 认证一关闭后,就无法再取回。 不能直接透过iTunes或是OTA升级iOS版本; 4教你将iOS 10.3.2降回iOS 10.3.1 

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