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Bimber v8.1.3 Nulled is a viral magazine theme, that lets you launch a fully functional viral site in no more than 24 hours. Bimber WordPress Theme Nulled comes with powerful sharing buttons; popular, hot, trending listings, and multiple ad locations. Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) 1.16; 40d84d7; Verified This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23 Learn about signing commits. Compare. Choose a tag to compare. Search for a tag. Version 1.16. 1.16; 40d84d7; Compare. Choose a You don’t have to create your own child theme. Our theme is delivered with it. Look inside the package downloaded from ThemeForest (unzip it first of course) and you will find the file. Install it in the same way as you did for the main theme ( Getting Bimber installed and ready-to-go is easy and takes only a few minutes. Follow the steps below to install the theme using the WordPress admin panel: Go to the WP admin panel › Appearance › Themes; Click the Add New button; Find the file inside the package you’ve downloaded from the ThemeForest; Upload it. Download Bimber Nulled Theme is a Viral Magazine WordPress Theme. Includes 7+ demos for contents like polls, quizzes, celeb news, DownloadBimber Free Download v.8.6.3 – Viral Magazine WordPress Theme After unzipping the file downloaded from the ThemeForest you’ll see the following folder structure: bimber – theme files – in case you want to upload the theme through the FTP – zipped theme files – in case you want to upload the theme through the WordPress admin

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